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An automated wishes sender mobile app that helps you stay on top of special events in your life.


Have you ever been guilty of forgetting birthdays or anniversaries even after being notified or reminded?

If YES, same pinch! 52% of Americans have made the cardinal sin of forgetting their partner’s birthday according to this research study




If NOT, congratulations! You are officially my HERO! 

My role

UX Research

Visual Design

Interaction Design Ideation



Adobe XD

Adobe Illustrator

After Effects


Dec 2020 – Mar 2021


Solo Project


Forgetting or missing reminders can sometimes be unavoidable, but automation could assist us with attending to those events!

Calendar applications like google/apple calendars are undoubtedly handy when it comes to managing and notifying us about important events. Scheduling emails in advance is a possibility too, but what are the chances of your beloved grandma checking her inbox you wishing her a happy birthday?

Problem space

How to assist users in being mindful of the special days of their loved ones?

A feature-based mobile application that assists the user to track events, auto-send text messages, and send personalized e-cards to loved ones on their special days!

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Home screen

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View Upcoming events

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Add Events


Digital Cards library

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Digital card view and sharing

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Add recipient form contact page


From concept to design. It was quite a journey from research to final prototypes!


User research




Paper-based Survey

User Interview

Competitor analysis

Affinity map

Story boards

1:1 interviews

Paper prototype

Hi-fi prototype


Understanding user pain points and experiences in keeping track of multiple events 

The goal of user research was to get insight into users' experiences with their preferred methods of keeping track of events, as well as their opinions and feedback on auto-message scheduling.

Paper-based Survey

User Interviews

Competitor analysis

Paper-based Survey

I conducted an in-person survey that included 10 participants namely my 5 office colleagues, 3 college friends and 2, senior college faculty

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I categorized my questions into 4 categories 

Event management

Scheduler application

  • How frequently do users forget about events?  

  • How do they remind themselves?

  • The tendency of sending text once reminded?  

  • What preferred scheduler applications?

  • Reliability on the same?

Digital cards


  • Usage?             

  • Preferences?      

Survey insights 1.png

Percentage distribution of preferred scheduler application used by participants

  • Liking of auto-send feature?

  • Privacy concerns? 

Survey insights 2.png

Percentage distribution of social media applications used for communicating people

User Interviews

I conducted a hybrid unstructured interview which included 11 participants namely my 4 friends, 4 family  members, 2 commute friends and 1 anonymous participant

Highlights of interview answers

Working from Home

I believe the automatic SMS send option is fantastic. Instead of a basic text message, I propose that users be allowed to attach a media file such as images, which would make it even more personal and authentic. It's a fad these days to do it like any other Facebook or Instagram post!

Smiling Young Man

I really like the concept of digital cards; it will be really simple for individuals who don't know how to write nice birthday postings. However, I like to make my own cards since it gives them a more personal and friendly feel.

Socializing Online

It will be nice if digital cards are suggested on the basis of searched keyword or some filter which will help user to find specific greeting card

Open for Business

I feel that an audio recording should be available for users who would rather send an audio or video clip rather than type a long text message. Also, provide a call option in the reminder text so that the user is directed to their contact list.

Competitor analysis

I chose to do a competitive analysis after much thought. Three popular apps, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. I took notes on the advantages and resolved to work on the disadvantages



do it later.jpeg





Comparison of Market applications


Minimal UI

Ease of navigation

Schedule message NOT limited to EMAIL


Bulky UI

Paid digital cards

High learning curve

Translating needs into opportunities


Affinity Mapping

I chose to utilize an affinity diagram to classify data and thoughts into groups of related objects before analyzing qualitative data or observations

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Collection of data

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Pattern analysis

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Theme generation

Realized themes

Implement instant event creation feature

Design easy to navigate event reminder

Explore technical failure feedback and alternative

User persona

WHY  I chose storyboarding because I wanted to be able to put myself in user's shoes and view the items through their eyes, as well as test assumptions about prospective situations

User persona 1 .png

Social media growth connected to more people

Busy life schedule makes them forgetful

Memorable experience which can be shared virtually

Story boards

creative but forgetful user_edited.jpg
Scatterbrained friend

Even when reminded, work stress might cause us to forget things!

Saili is reminded of her closest friend's birthday by a Facebook notification, but she is preoccupied with some essential job. She finally forgets to wish her closest buddy, which irritates her.
"I wish there was a personal assistant who would've at least sent an SMS wishing my pal a happy birthday!" Saili says.

Busy working parent

Busy working mom who is off social media miss on to various important events

Rajeshree gets up at 6 a.m., prepares lunch for her family, and heads to work. When she arrives at the workplace, she immediately checks her email inbox, which is overflowing with alerts. The Facebook notification commemorating her Sister's 1st wedding anniversary is among the big stack of alerts. She misses her Sister's first wedding anniversary since she is unaware of it. She then goes about her business as usual. Rajeshree realizes she has forgotten an important occasion when surfing through Facebook notifications on weekends, and she is terribly disappointed.

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Forgetful boyfriend

A boyfriend who is perpetually forgetful about significant dates and occasions.

Shawn is engrossed in online gaming as the internet is abuzz with Valentine's Day celebrations. Shawn, of course, is completely unaware of the situation.

After that, he texts his girlfriend and goes out for a casual lunch with her. His girlfriend, on the other hand, is completely unaware that Shawn is completely unaware of Valentine's Day! Shawn meets his girlfriend on Valentine's Day, fully clueless of the scenario, and is humiliated when his irate girlfriend reminds him of the occasion.

WHAT did I learn?

Reminders could be unreliable

Forgetting events is common during stressful times

Social media connects notifies present happenings


Bringing designs to life


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Designing a minimal landing screen to update users about current and upcoming events



As the app is a combination of reminder and auto-scheduler, which means a lot of user data. Also, as the event are not limited to birthdays, designing the minimal layout which will cover different data points is challenging.



As this is app is specially designed for users who is busy and forgetful, the goal was to design a screen that will add minimal cognitive load thereby helping users to perform the maximum amount of tasks with minimal clicks 

Iteration 1 : Home Screen

Iteration 1.png


  • The balloon's image is too large and distracting.

  • Edit button was not being clicked as users thought the card was clickable.

  • The contrast ratio of text was low.

  • The purpose of the profile image was not clear.

Iteration 2 : Home Screen

Iteration 2.png


  • Arrow Indicator to expand card is unnecessary.

  • Visual mapping between date and events.

  • Dots to show no. of events is helpful.

  • New designs, poses a learning curve. Refer to universally accepted calendar design.

  • Is this screen exclusively for viewing events? Can’t I do the same from the home page?

  • Why can’t I have it on the main screen, this should be readily available anytime!

Iteration 3 : Home Screen

iteration 3.png
  • Combined calendar into the home screen and removed calender tab

  • Instant access to video calls, phone calls, and digital cards.

  • Search text box for ease of search through the list of events.

  • Relaces image with relatively more important information such as month and date.

  • A quick view of the message which will be auto-sent.

  • Scrollable cards to showcase current events.

  • Days left in case the user isn’t aware of today’s date! :P

  • Add event floating button which will be persistent throughout the entire screen.


Design System

Design System.png


Finding an appropriate illustration was painful, so I created one!

Tools used: Procreate

Illustration 1.png
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illus 3.png

Hi-fi Prototypes

Hi fi prototypes .png

Interactive prototype

Overview of features


A quick glimpse into the app's features and functionality.

Feature 1

Sync calender events

Import calendar events in-app in days keep avoiding manual entry.

Feature 2

Adding events manually

Add new events by filling in the event title, name, contact details, scheduling information, and activating auto-send!

Feature 3

Digital cards

Why just settle on text message, select from a wide variety of digital card libraries to make your loved ones feel extra special.

Feature 4

Upcoming event

Quickly view upcoming events by selecting your preferred date from a scrollable calender.

The final prototype


To learn how real people interact with the prototype 

Focus group and 1:1 interviews with primary users

After the prototyping phase, I handed my designs off to developers and had review sessions to understand what was technically feasible. As I didn't follow design systems, I understood the importance of design systems and how they were treated to reusable components. Some of the pointers

  1. Designing the feature of sending the same text to multiple recipients

  2. Importing birthdays from Facebook, google calendar, etc.

  3. Auto scheduling SMS and voice calls for the recipients with no social media account


The lessons I have learnt

Never make assumptions: An important skill is to recognize the assumptions being made, then question and clarify them with your users. It's surprising how much-unexpected information you can uncover if you simply question these assumptions.

Simple is better: Users are obsessed with doing whatever they need to as quickly as possible by choosing the path of least resistance. It is important to make sure you know who your users are, how they will be using the product, and what they are trying to achieve so you can work out how best to simplify the product to their needs.

Hello, once again! 

You can learn more about me here.

I’m also happy to chat! Say ‘hello’ at my Linkedin or by email.

© Akanksha Patil | Created with       and lack of sleep

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