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Hey, Akanksha here! 

A Software Developer turned UX Designer.
I enjoy crafting delightful digital experiences
that empower people.

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UX Design | UI Development | Client Project


Designed and Developed a web application to replace the existing manual data-entry-based workflow.

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UX Design | UX Research | Passion Project


A reminder/scheduler application that reminds and automatically sends text wishes to loved ones at scheduled times and dates.


UX Research | Visual Design | Client Project

Best Buy

Designed in-app features using gamification principles to facilitate crowd management during Black Friday.

Fitbit logo image

UX Design | UX Research | School Project


Proposed new feature "FitBET", a Fitbit addition that encourages regular physical activity through social engagement.

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Illustrations | Photography | Sculpting

Art Work

I love to represent my inner chaotic creative work through illustrations, sculpting, and photography.

Featured academic projects
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Experience Design

Bank Home Screen

Designed 3 versions of a home web page of the pretend MSUX Bank that pose radically different User Experiences.

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Measuring UX

AirPods Pro

Created a User Research plan for measuring User Experience in a quantitative way.

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Voice Interface UX

English Tutor Lucy

Designed a voice Interface or CUI to assist non-native English speakers learn English by conversing with virtual English tutor Lucy.

Hello, once again! 

You can learn more about me here.

I’m also happy to chat! Say ‘hello’ at my Linkedin or by email.

© Akanksha Patil | Created with       and lack of sleep

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